A Little Light
Darkness is merely the absence of light. I am inspired by this thought. It reminds me that all it takes to dispel darkness is to shine a little light on a situation, and things begin to improve.
Ann and I were fortunate to recently spend some time with an Indian saint named AMMA (or Mata Amritanandamayi devi) . She is a living example of God’s love in human form. She travels the world for most of the year giving out her blessing in the form of a hug. She also tirelessly raises money to give to her various charitable organizations.
It is amazing to witness people like AMMA, and their ability to illuminate the darkened places of our world. Such people remind me that it doesn’t take much to be of service to others. Whether the gifts the you share is some volunteer time, money, or simply a smile, these offerings have the power to change the world.
So I encourage everyone to do a little more for others, without expecting anything in return. This selfless service is the only balm that can heal this suffering world. Get involved in something that calls to you and your particular interests, and you will reap the benefits that only kindness and service can give. Blessings.