2025 Retreat Themes
RAIN-A practice of radical Compassion
-popularized by Tara Brach, this practice helps you become for conscious of navigating your response to shame and big emotions. RAIN can be done in meditation or anytime you find yourself navigating big feelings. The basic steps are to R-recognize, A-allow, I-investigate, and N-nurture what is unfolding in the present moment.
METTA-Lovingkindness practice
Metta is a concentration and mindfulness practice that invites the practitioner into a more loving, connected state of mind. In metta meditation, we wish happiness, safety, and ease toward ourselves and others. In the most common version of metta practice, we offer these feelings of goodwill through the use of simple phrases first to ourselves, and in succession to someone we love, someone we’re indifferent towards, someone we consider a “difficult person,” and finally to all beings, everywhere.
Through our meditation practice, we can consciously cultivate the natural well-being and joy that we were born with. Using mindful attention, we can directly experience the aliveness of genuine well-being in the body, mind, and heart as we connect with the goodness inside and around us. To access this natural joy, we don’t merely know we’re feeling good; we actually feel what it’s like to feel good.
Without efforting to make something happen, we can invite well-being and joy by simply inclining our mind in that direction as we connect with what brings us delight and appreciation, letting ourselves mindfully relax into it when it is here. Our own well-being and joy can be a gift to others as it awakens those qualities in those around us.
Often our deepest suffering is the sense that something we have done—something about us—is fundamentally wrong and unacceptable. Finding a way to make peace with our human imperfections is the ground of all healing.
True Forgiveness does not deny the suffering of the past but has tremendous dignity and courage and power of love in it, That says….we will, and can, start again. -Jack Kornfield-