The pain that headaches and migraine sufferers endure can impact every aspect of their lives. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offers powerful relief without the side effects that prescription and over the counter drugs cause. This medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat the underlying cause behind headaches.
Chinese medicine does not recognize recurring headaches as one particular syndrome. Instead, it aims to treat the specific symptoms that are unique to each individual. This personalized approach allows Chinese medicine to be particularly effective and efficient in the treatment of headaches. Patients commonly report pain relief immediately and find nearly total relief within 1-2 months of treatment. At Middleway, we have found that the quickest and most lasting results are achieved when acupuncture, herbal medicine and massage are combined during treatment.
If you are ready to feel healthier and more at ease, then call our clinic today so we can discuss your healthcare needs and set up your first appointment:
“As with many others, the decision to try acupuncture was a desperate, ‘last resort’ effort seeking pain relief and freedom from daily pain medication. With hope, but few expectations, I turned to Middeway Medicine. I was happily astonished by the positive results experienced after two sessions. Equally healing has been the calm, unhurried atmosphere and the compassionate listening experienced at Middleway.”
G.V., Ashland OR