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Tag: immune system

Immune Health

by Clark and Ann Zimmerman, L.Ac.

Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of natural therapies is their ability to optimize immune function and prevent illness and disease. In particular, Chinese and naturopathic medicine have a tremendous arsenal of natural remedies that can effectively heighten immunity and greatly reduce the chance of serious pathology from occurring. Immune weakness is certainly a ubiquitous concern in the modern world, as cancer, AIDS, autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc.), and pandemics such as the Avian bird flu constitute major health hazards for the global population. Although Western medicine can be miraculous in its ability to save lives, it is notably vacuous in its repertoire of natural agents to bolster immunity and balance one’s physiology. Therefore, it is imperative that the health benefits of natural therapies such as acupuncture, herbs, nutritional supplements, and dietary strategies be made available to as many people as possible. Let’s examine the main approaches of each of these therapies.

If you suffer from Immune System Disorders, meditation is an excellent discipline to restore health, balance, and awareness to your life.

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Local Food: Nature’s Best Medicine

by Clark Zimmerman, L.Ac.

Everyone seems to love spring! It is the season where everything wakes up and the potential of the coming year is evident. The fragrant blossoms remind us of the sweetness of life, and of new possibilities. Spring also marks the beginning of gardening season. Gardening has been a longtime love of mine. I enjoy seeing the seeds transform from tiny mysteries into sturdy plants and again into fruits and seeds. It’s one of the most tangible examples of magic that I know. Whether you grow your own food or you buy from a local farmer or market, eating locally grown, organic, in-season food is truly one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.

We are so fortunate to live in the Rogue Valley where the climate is favorable for growing a huge variety of fruits & vegetables. Add in the availability of fresh seafood, wild mushrooms, and humanly raised dairy, eggs, and meats, and you have an entire medicinary of options. I encourage everyone to grow at least a little of their own food, even if you only have room for a few potted plants on the porch. I also recommend joining a local Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA. ACSA is an amazing way to enjoy local, organic food throughout the entire growing season. The way it work is: you “invest” in the CSA up front in the spring, the farms then use this capital to plant, maintain, harvest, and deliver a fresh assortment of organic food to a pickup site. Once a week you pick up a box of organic produce. Ann and I always joke that it feels like opening a birthday present every week. It is a thrill to see what goodies are going to be in the box from week to week.

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Immune Support: What to take?

by Ann Zimmerman, L.Ac.

A healthy immune system protects you against seasonal cold’s, flus, and the wear of day to day stress. The witer seasons puts added pressure on your immune system with it’s cold damp weather, limited sunlight and increased time spent inside. It is during winter that we often notice the limitations of our immune system and look toward that will protect us from illness.

At Middleway, we believe that acute illness patterns are treated differently, depending on the presenting symptoms. However, when we are not acutely ill, there are some general recommendations and products that seem to be universal in their ability to strengthen the body and lessen the effects of stress.

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